Black Autistic Psychedelic

🍄 Independent Researcher📚2X Author

End of Life Doula

Hello my name is

Georgina Bailey

I microdose for my mental health.

This connects me to my body, expands my creatively, and uplifts my mood and REDUCES TRAUMA.

I have been SSRI free since 2018.

For years I have struggled with issues connected to undiagnosed autism, PTSD, ADHD and depression.

I was finally diagnosed with autism in December of 2020 - at 43 years old - freeing me to engage in my very specific passions surrounding psilocybin ,serotonin, the imprinted 5HT2a gene , epigenetic‘s and generational trauma.

I do not have the pedigree of Ivy Legue, or fancy letters behind my name. I am not a doctor. I am an end of life doula and late diagnosed autistic with over 25 years lived experience researching psilocybin mushrooms..

Psilocybin &


“ Psilocybin is THE quintessential FOOD for human optimization.”

  1. Psilocybin is an accessible delicious food.

  2. Acid ….. not so much.

Autism is a major part of my identity.

Psilocybin mushrooms are central to my physical and mental health.